Root Canal Therapy
Root Canal Therapy in Panorama City
Root canal therapy is a dental process designed to repair and save a tooth that has become infected due to a deep cavity or a cracked tooth. During this treatment, the infected pulp and nerves of the tooth are removed, and the area is thoroughly cleaned. After a tooth has fully developed, the pulp and nerve are no longer essential for function. Without a root canal being performed, bacteria can accumulate at the root tip, causing the infection to spread to the surrounding bone, leading to pain, swelling, and possibly the need for tooth extraction.
Signs You May Need a Root Canal
You might need a root canal if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- Intense tooth pain, especially when chewing
- Persistent tooth pain that wakes you up at night
- Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold, with the discomfort lingering even after the stimulus is removed
- Discoloration or darkening of the affected tooth
- Swelling of the gums near the infected tooth
What Does Root Canal Treatment Involve?
The process begins with creating an opening in the tooth’s crown to access the pulp chamber. Once the pulp is removed, the root canal is meticulously cleaned. If the dentist chooses to complete the treatment over multiple visits, a temporary filling will be placed to protect the tooth. When you return for the follow-up visit, the temporary filling will be removed, the root canal and pulp chamber will be re-cleaned, and a permanent filling or crown will be placed over the tooth.
Root canal therapy is highly effective, and many teeth treated with this procedure can last a lifetime. The crown or filling placed after the treatment is designed to blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, making it virtually unnoticeable.
If you require a root canal and reside in the San Fernando Valley, including Panorama City, North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Valley Glen, Pacoima, or nearby areas, contact our office. We’ll ensure your root canal procedure is performed with the utmost compassion and care.