Emergency Dental Services in Panorama City

Dental Emergencies in Panorama CityEmergency Services


(818) 830-6070

$25 For Exam + X-ray + Consult


Our office is sanitized at a surgical level & we’re minimizing waiting area interactions.

We treat the following emergency dental issues:
• Toothaches
• Abscesses
• Dry sockets
• Swollen gums
• Broken or cracked tooth / teeth
• Lost or loosened fillings
• Cracked / loose-fitting dentures
Emergency dental services include but are not limited to:
• Simple and advanced extractions
• Wisdom teeth extractions
• Root canals
• Lost or loosen fillings repair
• Same day denture repairs
• Same day interim partial denture fabrication


Our goal is to relieve any type of dental discomfort same day before you leave the office.

At Parthenia Family Dental, we take dental emergencies very seriously. If you are experiencing any dental emergency in Panorama City, North Hollywood, Van Nuys, Pacoima, Valley Glen, San Fernando, or anywhere in the Valley, call our practice as soon as possible. We are here to help you!

Our office is conveniently open evening and weekend hours to accommodate our emergency patients.

Many patients are unsure as to whether a dental concern is an emergency or not. A problem arises to the level of an emergency if it hampers you from going about your daily life (i.e. severe pain) or can only be fixed within a limited amount of time (i.e. a knocked-out tooth).

Five Signs You May Need Emergency Dental Care

If your situation could lead to additional medical or dental complications, it counts as a dental emergency. Here are the five issues that most commonly require treatment from an emergency dentist:

  • Severe pain – Pain can often be a sign of infection.
  • Lost tooth – A knocked-out tooth can be placed back only if the issue is addressed immediately.
  • Pus – Pus is a sign of infection.
  • Excessive bleeding – Bleeding can be a sign of gum disease, a symptom of mouth trauma, or other causes.
  • Infections – Infections can cause lifelong damage or spread if ignored.

Why the ER Isn’t Always the Answer

It is important to note that many ERs are unable to treat emergencies such as:

  • Denture repair
  • Re-cementing bridges, crowns, or veneers
  • A tooth that needs to be pulled
  • Root canal
  • Broken, chipped, or lost tooth

We are here to help with your dental emergencies! Give us a call immediately to get a same-day appointment.

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